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Sun Dec 27 @ 3-5:30P 2021 New Year's Goals [The SHELL, Rollinsford]

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:22 pm
by DenPratt
Sun Dec 27 @ 3-5:30P
2021 New Year's Goals
[The SHELL, Rollinsford]

2020 threw a wrench into our life plans, Let's take control of our destiny back. Come for a two hour workshop to review your life goals, where you are, and where you'd like to be. Dinner and drinks afterwards are optional.

Details: Every end-of-year we inevitably pause to think about where we are, where we're going, and what steps might be critical to take in the upcoming new year. This workshop will explore our wants and desires, where we are, and pick one goal to focus on. We'll set a realistic first step to accomplish in the new year, to start a cycle of success that will see even better returns.
  • Address:
    Lower Mills at Salmon Falls, Room B10
    Three Front Street
    Please look at this special map. The mill houses 100 artists, so GPS will not get you all the way to your destination. Open this map:
  • Take: A notebook. Please write in your notebook some thoughts on:
    1) What are a couple of my most important goals?
    2) What advances and setbacks did I have in 2020 on those goals?
    3) What would I like to achieve in 2021 for those goals?
  • Donation: Not required but suggested ,minimum nonmembers $5 to keep the lights on at The SHELL ;
  • RSVP: Preferred: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=138
  • Host: Dennis
  • More Info: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=138